mutoss 0.1-13 (2023-03-14)
- ranktruncated warns for large numbers of p-values. (Thanks to Phillip Bredahl Mogensen for notification!)
- noted that adaptiveBH is not equivalent to multcomp's ABH. (Thanks to David Swanepoel for notification!)
mutoss 0.1-12 (2017-12-04)
- changed description according to CRAN policy
mutoss 0.1-11
- fixed CRAN notes and warnings
- switched from RUnit to testthat
mutoss 0.1-10 (2015-04-02)
- compatibility with qvalue 1.99.0
mutoss 0.1-9 (2015-03-12)
- compatibility to qvalue 1.43.0
mutoss 0.1-8 (2014-02-17)
- moving many packages from DEPENDS to IMPORTS
- fixed layout in examples
- fixed various warnings
mutoss 0.1-7 (2012-05-07)
- corrections in the Hommel documentation
- package multtest is a dependency
mutoss 0.1-6 (2011-12-06)
- simulation Tool: Objects returned by simulation() use less memory and
generated data can be discarded.
mutoss 0.1-5
- jointCDF.orderedUnif which was only a helper function is now exported
mutoss 0.1-4 (2010-10-04)